Julia Rutherford Silvers, CSEP

Certified Special Events Professional

Event Management Authority

Like angels and elephants dancing on the head of a pin, our dreams and responsibilities may have no limits, but must be balanced according to the music of the moment.









Analysis of the CSEP Content Outline in relation to the EMBOK

10 August 2007


The following represents the mapping of the CSEP Content Outline* to the EMBOK framework. Please note that, due to their generic nature or wording, some of the CSEP items appear under phase headings or general domain headings rather than individual classes within each domain and some appear in numerous places within the EMBOK framework.


*CSEP, the Certified Special Events Professional designation, is the credentialing program offered by the International Special Events Society (ISES). The CSEP Content Outline was introduced in January of 2007 and may be found at http://www.ises.com/csep/exampreparation.cfm


·        1) Development Phase

·        [1-A] Determine purpose of event and prioritize goals and objectives

·        [1-B] Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis)

·        [1-R] Prepare and present a proposal


·        1) Development Phase

·        [1-C] Identify event element requirements (e.g., technical production, food and beverage, ancillary programs, entertainment, risk management, and décor)


·        2) Pre -production Phase

·        [2-A] Re-assess available resources (e.g., vendors, funds, people, etc.) and time restrictions

·        [2-K] Coordinate event element requirements

The Event

·        3) Production Phase


·        4) Post-production Phase

·        [4-A] Determine return on investment (ROI) (e.g., internal and external stakeholders and measurable objectives)

·        [4-B] Analyze and evaluate entire event management process


·        [2-A] Re-assess available resources (e.g., vendors, funds, people, etc.) and time restrictions


·        [1-Q] Develop an initial budget

·        [3-H] Response to and documentation of incidents and changes (e.g., incident reports, change orders and Signed authorizations)

·        [4-C] Audit and reconcile finances and present final budget (e.g., final invoices/billing, financial reports, and profit and loss)

Human Resources

·        [1-O] Ensure event complies with labor union jurisdictions and regulations

·        [2-H] Create structure of responsibility pertaining to event management and its staffing

·        [2-K-12] Staffing (e.g., recruitment, training, motivation, and evaluation of personnel and volunteers)

·        [2-P] Conduct pre-event production meetings and personnel/participant orientations


·        [2-B] Implement record keeping procedures

·        [2-E] Develop event evaluation criteria

·        [2-I] Oversee communications with and between all involved parties (e.g., status reports and budget updates)

·        [3-H] Response to and documentation of incidents and changes (e.g., incident reports, change orders and Signed authorizations)

·        [4-D] Archive information (e.g., legal documentation, media documentation and samples)


·        [2-D] Schedule vendor/suppliers meetings

·        [2-E] Develop event evaluation criteria

·        [2-G] Review and comprehend vendor proposals

·        [3-H] Response to and documentation of incidents and changes (e.g., incident reports, change orders and Signed authorizations)

·        [4-E] Ensure full compliance with contractual obligations (e.g., equipment return and payment schedules)


·        [2-E] Develop event evaluation criteria

·        [2-I] Oversee communications with and between all involved parties (e.g., status reports and budget updates)




·        [2-C] Create time lines, including production calendar and schedules

·        [2-D] Schedule vendor/suppliers meetings

·        [3-A] Implement production schedule


·        [1-A] Determine purpose of event and prioritize goals and objectives

·        [1-C] Identify event element requirements (e.g., technical production, food and beverage, ancillary programs, entertainment, risk management, and décor)

·        [1-M] Develop event design


·        [2-K-4] Food and beverage (e.g., alcohol management, catering, guarantees and dietary needs)


·        [2-K-2] Entertainment/presentation (e.g., riders, scripting and rehearsals)


·        [2-K-2] Entertainment/presentation (e.g., riders, scripting and rehearsals)


·        [2-K-7] Décor (e.g., scenery, props, branding and floral)


·        [2-K-5] Technical production (e.g., audio/visual, lighting, sound, special effects and technical rehearsal)

·        [2-K-10] Media production (e.g., photography, videography and show content)


·        [1-E] Determine need for ancillary programs (e.g., companion programs, exhibits, optional side trips, recreational activities or mini-events within event)

·        [2-J] Determine logical sequence of show or event flow

·        [2-K-13] Ancillary programs (e.g., excursions, companion programs and recreational activities)


·        [3-E] Ensure conceptual and contractual compliance of event


·        [1-A] Determine purpose of event and prioritize goals and objectives

Marketing Plan

·        [1-F] Define and develop integrated marketing plan (e.g., situation analysis, marketing objectives, target markets and messages and measure return on marketing (ROM))


·        [2-K-11] Collateral material (e.g., signage, invitation, brochures, promotional items and gifts)


·        [1-H] Identify and develop direct sales strategy (e.g., box office and ticket operations, souvenirs and promotional merchandise)


·        [1-G] Identify and develop promotional strategy (e.g., advertising, Internet promotions, Web site, sales promotions and contests)

Public Relations

·        [1-I] Identify and develop public relations strategy (e.g., media releases, requests for coverage, photo opportunities, media relations, publications, event publicity and public guest appearances)

·        [2-K-14] Marketing and public relations (e.g., press area, event publicity, photo opportunities and sponsorship)


·        [1-H] Identify and develop direct sales strategy (e.g., box office and ticket operations, souvenirs and promotional merchandise)


·        [1-J] Identify and develop sponsorship program (e.g., sponsorships, donors, grants and gifts)


·        [2-P] Conduct pre-event production meetings and personnel/participant orientations




·        [2-I] Oversee communications with and between all involved parties (e.g., status reports and budget updates)

·        [3-B] Employ communication systems (e.g., methods of communication and communication protocol)


·        [2-K-1] Site and site services (e.g., parking, waste management, capacity, power, telecommunications and floor plan)

·        [2-K-3] Transportation (e.g., manifests, shuttle service, airport service and valet)


·        [2-K-15] Shipping and receiving (e.g., drayage, trucking and courier service)

·        [3-D] Coordinate load-in; load-out


·        [1-K] Identify protocol and ceremony needs and develop protocol plans as required (e.g., dignitaries, government and other officials, special equipment, flags and emblems)

·        [2-K-9] Guest services (e.g., handicap accessibility, translation, hospitality and VIP services)


·        [1-D] Analyze site requirements and select appropriate site

·        [2-F] Develop a site plan

·        [2-K-1] Site and site services (e.g., parking, waste management, capacity, power, telecommunications and floor plan)

·        [3-F] Conduct pre- and post-inspection of event (e.g., security, health and safety, client, staff and site)

·        [3-G] Establish behind-the-scenes locations (e.g., green room, production office and rehearsal space)


·        [1-K] Identify protocol and ceremony needs and develop protocol plans as required (e.g., dignitaries, government and other officials, special equipment, flags and emblems)

·        [2-K-6] Rentals (e.g., delivery and setup)


·        [1-B] Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis)

·        [1-C] Identify event element requirements (e.g., technical production, food and beverage, ancillary programs, entertainment, risk management, and décor)

·        [1-L] Conduct a risk assessment and analysis

·        [2-L] Devise contingency and response plans

·        [3-C] Implement risk monitoring and control systems as needed (e.g., contingency and response plans, and safety procedures)

·        [3-F] Conduct pre- and post-inspection of event (e.g., security, health and safety, client, staff and site)


·        [1-N] Ensure event complies with all federal, provincial, and state legislation and local ordinances

·        [1-O] Ensure event complies with labor union jurisdictions and regulations

·        [2-K-9] Guest services (e.g., handicap accessibility, translation, hospitality and VIP services)

·        [2-M] Ensure event complies with licensing regulations and other intellectual property rights (e.g., ASCAP and BMI)

·        [2-N] Secure all necessary insurance coverage, licenses, permits, waivers, and other compliance instruments and documentation


·        [3-H] Response to and documentation of incidents and changes (e.g., incident reports, change orders and Signed authorizations)


·        [2-K-8] Risk management (e.g., security, EMS, contract liability, fire marshal and crowd control)


·        [2-K-8] Risk management (e.g., security, EMS, contract liability, fire marshal and crowd control)


·        [1-P] Determine proper insurance coverage (e.g., liability, event insurance, additional insurances)

·        [2-N] Secure all necessary insurance coverage, licenses, permits, waivers, and other compliance instruments and documentation


·        [2-K-8] Risk management (e.g., security, EMS, contract liability, fire marshal and crowd control)

·        [2-O] Negotiate and execute necessary agreements, contracts, leases and other legal documents

·        [3-E] Ensure conceptual and contractual compliance of event

·        [4-E] Ensure full compliance with contractual obligations (e.g., equipment return and payment schedules)


·        [2-K-8] Risk management (e.g., security, EMS, contract liability, fire marshal and crowd control)

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