Julia Rutherford Silvers, CSEP

Certified Special Events Professional

Event Management Authority

Like angels and elephants dancing on the head of a pin, our dreams and responsibilities may have no limits, but must be balanced according to the music of the moment.









Analysis of the CMP Examination Blueprint in relation to the EMBOK

23 May 2009


The following represents a mapping of the CMP Examination Blueprint* to the International EMBOK Model framework. The knowledge base of the CMP Blueprint is categorized into five domain areas (shown below), 49 tasks (shown in bold, e.g. I. A.), and 230 knowledge topics (e.g. IV. J. (8) ). Please note that this mapping does not include all the knowledge topics included in the CMP Examination Blueprint and some items appear in numerous places within the EMBOK framework.


I. Strategic Event Planning Process

II. Financial and Contract Management

III. Facilities and Services

IV. Logistics

V. Program


*CMP, the Certified Meeting Professional designation, is the credentialing program offered by the Convention Industry Council (CIC). The examination blueprint, effective January 2007, may be found at http://www.conventionindustry.org/cmp/Documents/Formatted_2007_Blueprint_000.pdf.

International EMBOK Model

CMP Examination Blueprint


I. A. Determining the purpose of the meeting (event)

I. B. Identifying relationship of meeting (event) to organizational strategy

I. E. Obtaining and analyzing statistics and historical information related to meetings (events)


I. G. Identify successful criteria for evaluation of meeting (event)

I. H. Preparing comprehensive timeline (project plan) for meeting (event)

I. I. Preparing meeting (event) specifications


IV. Logistics

The Event

III. E. Conducting a pre-meeting (event) briefing (pre-con) with suppliers and facility providers


II. H. Ensuring completion of the payment and/or billing processes

III. H. Conducting a post-meeting (event) review (post-con) with suppliers and facility providers




I. B. (4) Role of the event in the event host’s financial picture (e.g., the budgetary philosophy of the organization)

II. A. Identifying ancillary revenue sources and/or cost savings opportunities

II. B. Developing budget for meeting (event)

II. C. Determining fees for participation, if any

II. G. Managing resources within budgeted guidelines

Human Resources

I. B. (1) Working with organization staff and/or volunteers (unpaid staff)

I. M. Creating, leading and managing project team

III. C. (1) Registration staff


I. I. (2) How to use a specifications guidebook

I. K. (4) Security and safety concerns (e.g., firewalls, password protection, back-up technology)

IV. E. (10) Tracking housing pick-up reports including audit and verification

IV. I. Preparing and reviewing housing reports in a timely manner

IV. L. Tracking and recording continuing education credits earned


I. I. Preparing meeting (event) specifications

II. D. Conducting Request for Proposals (RFP) process

II. G. (4) Expenditure approval process

II. H. Ensuring completion of the payment and/or billing processes

III. C. Identify the types of services required for a successful meeting (event)


I. C. Identifying stakeholder needs, expectations, and desired outcomes


I. K. Assessing technology requirements

III. G. Planning, ordering, and overseeing technology requirements for the meeting (event)


I. H. Preparing comprehensive timeline (project plan) for meeting (event)




III. C. (7) Catering

IV. H. Managing all aspects of food and beverage functions

V. E. Determining food and beverage arrangements that support program objectives


I. D. Preparing program outline (e.g., topics, content, potential speakers)

V. B. Securing speakers


III. C. (8) Guest programs

III. C. (9) Special events

III. C. (11) Recreational activities

III. C. (14) Entertainment and/or speakers

V. D. Securing entertainment for the meeting (event) (e.g., music, artists)

V. F. Arranging ancillary programs in conjunction with the meeting (event) including pre-and post-meeting activities


III. C. (3) Decorator

IV. J. Determining the setup for function rooms including seating and audiovisual (A/V) requirements


III. C. (4) Audiovisual (A/V)

IV. J. (8) Equipment requirements in relationship to room setup (e.g., audiovisual (A/V), sound)

V. G. Determining audiovisual (A/V) needs


I. F. Design program details that meet needs of participants

I. D. (4) Meeting (event) agenda

V. A. Reviewing goals of meeting and determine details of program to meet those goals





Marketing Plan

I. J. Developing marketing plan for meeting (event)

I. C. (2) Market analysis


I. L. Creating marketing materials for the meeting (event)

IV. K. Coordinating the shipping of materials to and from the meeting (event) site

IV. L. (1) Certificate of attendance


V. C. (2) Marketing speaker products (e.g., books, tapes, recordings)


I. J. (1) Integrated marketing plan components (e.g., advertising, direct mail brochures, publicity, sponsorship)

Public Relations

I. J. (1) Integrated marketing plan components (e.g., advertising, direct mail brochures, publicity, sponsorship)

V. H. Arranging media and public relation activities for the meeting (event)


I. J. (1) Integrated marketing plan components (e.g., advertising, direct mail brochures, publicity, sponsorship)


I. B. (3) Strategic partnerships and alliances

I. J. (1) Integrated marketing plan components (e.g., advertising, direct mail brochures, publicity, sponsorship)




II. C. Determining fees for participation, if any

II. G. (2) Room pick-up

III. G. (2) Web-based reservation tools

IV. A. Establishing invitation and/or registration procedures for the meeting (event)

IV. E. Managing the housing reservation process


IV. B. (1) Internal communications plan

IV. G. Communicating travel arrangements for participants to get to and from an event site


III. B. (6) Internet resources

III. C. (5) Transportation

III. G. (6) Electrical power requirements

IV. D. Securing transportation arrangements for the meeting (event)


IV. K. Coordinating the shipping of materials to and from the meeting (event) site


IV. C. Determining exhibitor booth assignments and setup process for exhibits


I. I. Preparing meeting (event) specifications

III. A. Determining the appropriate geographic location for the meeting (event)

III. B. Determining the appropriate venue for the meeting (event) (e.g., hotel, convention center, conference center)

III. D. Conducting site inspection to determine viability of location and venue including potential offsite activities


III. G. Planning, ordering, and overseeing technology requirements for the meeting (event)

V. G. Determining audiovisual (A/V) needs


IV. B. Assessing risk management issues in order to determine needed insurance and operations


II. E. (4) Legal implications (e.g., financial, liability, risk, attrition; Sarbanes Oxley equivalents; privacy laws)

IV. J. (7) Accessibility requirements

V. C. (1) Intellectual property rights (e.g., audio tapes, handouts reprinted in proceedings)

V. D. (3) Music licensing




III. F. (1) Crisis management plan

III. F. (2) Emergency plan

IV. A. (7) Emergency contact information from attendees




II. F. Securing appropriate types and amounts of insurance

V. F. (5) Liability insurance


II. E. Negotiating contracts

V. C. Manage the contractual relationship with speakers


I. K. (4) Security and safety concerns (e.g., firewalls, password protection, back-up technology)

III. C. (6) Security

III. F. Coordinating security procedures with venues

IV. F. Identifying security measures required for each facility and/or meeting (event)

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